Monday, March 10, 2014

Papa Woody's Brand Guide

As part of AGCJ 307 - Graphic Design for Agricultural Media I created a brand guide for an Icehouse in my hometown. The brand guide includes a logo and logotype that I created based on the atmosphere of the Icehouse, an advertisement that highlights nightly specials, and a brochure that would be used to generate new customers. See the Brand Guide here, the photos have been saved to a low resolution which may affect the quality, but they were designed for print at 300 dpi.

Natural Resource Photography Photos

In May of 2013 I took a Natural Resource Photography class. It included a 10 day trek across Texas and into New Mexico. We climbed Guadalupe Peak (the highest point in Texas), camped at Enchanted Rock, saw the "Marfa Lights" and learned the finer points of photography and photo editing. These are a few of my favorite photos from the trip.